Aarhus - The Firsts And the Largests - For You to Explore

View of Aarhus: Photo: Katalin
  • Die Kosten der Tour 1.200 bis zu 1.900 DKK(je nachdem, welcher Guide)
  • Maximum 30 Personen
  • Duration 2 hours
  • Art City walk
  • Meeting point kong Kristian den 10. ridderstatue ved Domkirken
  • Tour ends Den Gamle By
  • Sprache
  • Takes place in this country Denmark

Aarhus - The Firsts And the Largests - For You to Explore

Aarhus might only be the second largest city in Denmark, and only a blip on the map of the world, but there are still a great many fascinating, surprising and fun stories to tell.

Did you know, that the cream puff was invented here? Or that the oldest church in Scandinavia is found here?

Learn more about this and a number of interesting stories about Aarhus being bigger, better or first about something while you are strolling leisurely on a guided tour through the wonderful city centre.

If you wish, we could add a detour through Den Gamle By, which is a major sight and the first open air museum of its kind in the world. You need to decide this in advance, because this will need an additional hour and there will also be an admission fee. Besides being a spectacular place in it's own right, Den Gamle By is also a nice place to taste some old school sweets and take refreshment, such as coffee and a piece of a tradtional Danish layer cake.