Egeskov Castle - a Guided Tour of the House
- Die Kosten der Tour 1.420 DKK // Antal deltagere ?>
- Maximum 25 Personen // Varighed ?>
- Duration 0 - 1 hours // Turvarighed ?>
- Distance in km 1 Km. // Tur type ?>
- Art museum or attraction, guided tour // Møde sted ?>
- Meeting point Entrance to the house // Slutsted ?>
- Tour ends The loft
- Sprache
- Admission charge or similar expenses Yes
- Admission charge or supplement covers Egeskov Castle
- Takes place in this country Denmark
- Testemonials by customers amazing, impressive
Egeskov Castle - a Guided Tour of the House
Egeskov Castle has everything - magic, charm, atmosphere and "hygge".
Egeskov castle is an impressive building with a fascinating history. It was built just under 500 years ago in the middle of a lake on top of oak trunks that were rammed into the lake.
The standard shows us this is the home of a noble family, the counts of Ahlefeldt. The present owner is count Michael who lives at the castle and we are therefore visiting his private home.
Egeskov castle was built to protect the family in times of unrest such as during "the Feud of the Counts" and during the Reformation.
From the outside we can see many defence mechanisms that are built into the walls and inside the castle we can see even more.
You will learn about the barrier mechanisms, the crooked stairs, and how the residents could survive and succesfully resist a long siege as well as show you numerous more details which we can see on the outside as well as inside the castle.
Inside the castle there are some very good stories to tell about the hunting room, such as extraordinary details about trophies and furniture and of course there are nice photos of the family that Count Michael and his wife enjoy sharing with us.
In the Yellow Room a large open fireplace underscores the "hygge" factor and cosiness, and good stories about how previous generations were entertained during banquets and in the evening. The tower holds more surprising details and the same goes for the Great Hall with the black armour which count Michael had made for himself, and which he actually wears occasionally.
Hear the story about the huge tapestry on the wall, learn about the rooms we pass en route to the Hunting Gallery. We'll admire trophies, guest rooms and you are in for a surprise when you hear the story about the young lady Riborg who has a room named after her in memory of her cruel destiny.
You will also see the biggest and most luxurious dollhouse in the world, the Titania's Palace. Titania is Queen of the fairies - and her palace has a very interesting history.
On a guided tour of Egeskov you will hear all the good stories of past and present. Find out whether the castle is haunted or not and find out why there is a figure with magic powers in the attic.
You can round off your visit with a guided tour of the grounds and garden or of the many fascinating exhibitions and museums. Each takes about an hour.
Opening hours 2024 according to Egeskov's website
WINTER SEASON 2024: open for Play and exhibitions (Castle and garden are closed)
02.01. - 26.04. 10 am - 4 pm (Castle and garden are closed)
09.02-18.02. 16.30 - 21 LUMINIS light event in the garden. Daytime closed
09. - 10. + 16. - 17. + 23. - 24.11. + 30.11. - 01.12. Egeskov Christmas Market
07.12 – 30.12 10 am - 4 pm (closed 24 + 25 December)
SUMMER SEASON: All offers open
27.4. - 28.16. 10 am - 5 pm (Castle 11 am - 5 pm)
29.6. - 11.8. 10 am - 7 pm (Castle 10 am - 7 pm)
12.08 - 20.10. at 10 am - 5 pm (Castle at 11 am - 5 pm)
13.06. - 15.06. Heartland Festival
21.10 - 27.10. 10 am - 5 pm (castle and castle lake closed.)