About us

Guide Service Denmark is a nationwide Danish booking agency. Therefore it's the right place for you to find good guides, tour guides, tour managers and cultural history lecturers throughout Denmark. Guide Service Denmark is the first Danish booking agency that covers all three categories. We want to make bookings easy for you.

All around Denmark we can provide you with a guide, a tour manager or a lecturer. No matter where you'll find the best suggestions at Guideservice Danmark. The guides do guided walks, city tours, coach tours, bicycle tours, tours in canoes and kayaks. Should you request a Danish speaking guide anywhere else in the world Guideservice Danmark is the right place to make your request.

The tour managers will help your guests on tours around Denmark and furthermore Scandinavia in particular.

Guided tours - suggestions

All guides have created a number of good tour descriptions and suggestions for guided tours for you to be inspired by. All guides have introduced themselves and their rates which you see below each tour description. The suggestions are there to give you an idea of which topics and languages each guide is qualified for or has an interest in guiding. This makes it easier for you to find the right guide to give you the tour you request.

If you need some assistance send us an e-mail or give us a call. We are happy to assist and have met all our guides, tour leaders and lecturers. We have in-depth knowledge of all our guides.

How can we assist

We can assist with assignments on a day to day basis and far into the future. We have many clients who request both options and we look forward to assisting you as well.

We have met all our freelancers and know them well. We organize annual inspiration days, train new guides and tour leaders and take pride in keeping up with what is in demand in the tourism industry. From the start in 2008, we have seen an increase almost every year - both in the number of tasks and in the number of freelancers to meet requests. The two legs are closely connected and must be in order to serve you well.

Qualifying tour guides and tour managers

By running educating workshops on a regular basis for all our freelancers as well as educating new tour guides and tour managers we ensure our freelancers are all qualified professionals. We are always open for applications from skilled tour guides and tour managers (via our application form only).

Several ways can lead to becoming a good tour guide or tour manager. Some of our guides have a professional background on which they guide, others have gained their knowledge from a hobby, deep interest in specific subjects or life experience, which can also be good basis for a future as a guide or tour manager. Sign up for our education and we'll help you to the right skills for a future with guided tours and happy guests.

Meet us

We are a fairly permanent staff, but are always open to internships for students etc. who can benefit from working in an industry like ours. Internships must be a win-win set up. The intern gains new skills and we have the opportunity to get to know potentially new freelancers. In our experience getting to know each other during an internship new opportunities can emerge from our dialogues as colleagues.

Mette Berrig

Mette is the founder of Guide Service Denmark. She has worked in the tourism industry for more than 20 years. Mette still guides and leads tours so she knows what clients and guests want. Therefore she knows how to assist you when planning your next tour.

Kitt Lykke Nielsen

Kitt is Mette's assistant. Kitt has a fondness for working with numbers and therefore she is responsible for the bookkeeping. Kitt is a light spirited being and we always enjoy her infectious laughter. No day without a hearty laugh could rightly be her motto. She is our decor geek and she initiates our interior design. Another one of her geek projects is buying and selling properties which she can renovate.

Kitt loves providing good customer service and has a past both in the textile industry and with the Danish Refugee Council.

Ellen Sofie Preissler

Ellen er kontorets dejlige blæksprutte og booking assistent. Før var hun i studenterjob hos os, der startede som en praktik i forbindelse med specialeskrivning fra Aarhus Universitet: cand.ling.merc. i tysk erhvervssprog og international erhvervskommunikation. Ellen er nok kontorets mest systematiske og er god til at sætte Kitts og Mettes mange ideer i system og sende dem godt i vej.

Ellen is often the one who answers your call. Ellen is also responsible for our feeds on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Alice Bennetsen

Alice is our fairy with cleaning skills and she looks after the rest of us and makes sure that it is always nice to go to work in a pleasant and clean environment. Alice very sweetly says: I like to make a difference.

Alice is a warm family person which we also enjoy. If we want a tip for a good movie, Alice is the one to ask for advice.

With restricted working abilities, Alice must have a certain number of hours, a bit more than we can provide. Fortunately we are based in a neighbour friendly area, so two of our neighbours also benefit from Alice's cleaning fairy skills. We all love working together and especially the results.