Aarhus - City Walk Through a Thousand Years of History
- Turen koster 1.200 til 1.900 DKK(afhængig af guide/antal) // Antal deltagere ?>
- Maximum number of participants 30 personer // Varighed ?>
- Duration 2 hours // Turvarighed ?>
- Distance in km 2 Km. // Tur type ?>
- Type of tour City walk // Møde sted ?>
- Meeting point Hack Kampmansplads 1, Toldboden, 8000 Aarhus c // Slutsted ?>
- Tour ends Vor Frue Kirke Frue Kirkeplads 3, 8000 Aarhus
- Sprog
- Admission charge or similar expenses Yes
- Admission charge or supplement covers ARoS, Viking Museum
- Takes place in this country Denmark
Aarhus - City Walk Through a Thousand Years of History
City walk from the past to the future. From the city of vikings to the modern city with Danish art and craft.
After a pleasant visit to the Museum of the vikings (open Monday-Friday only), the guide will take you downtown. Experience the merchant district with small cafees, Danish design and bikes all over.
The tour finish at the museum of modern art: ARoS. Feel free to visit the special exhibitions, have a look at the city from the roof or enjoy a meal in the restaurant. At ARoS you'll find wonderful pieces of Danish and European art from the last 300 years.