Hidden stories in Vejle's secret backyards

Hidden stories in Vejle's secret backyards
  • Price for the tour 1.780 to 1.900 DKK(depending on guide/number)
  • Maximum 25 participants
  • Duration 2 hours
  • Distance 4 Km.
  • Type City walk
  • Meeting point FØTEX, Strandgade 20, 7100 Vejle
  • Tour ends FØTEX, Strandgade 20, 7100 Vejle
  • Language
  • Takes place in this country Denmark

Hidden stories in Vejle's secret backyards

On an unconventional and exciting guided tour through Vejle's backyards - where you can experience the course of history and the city's development seen through different lenses than our modern ones. Experience the secret Vejle.

Vejle is closely related with water - in many ways. On this guided tour you will experience the streams running through the city. For example, how the residents of Vejle lived along the Mølle stream 200 years ago. How did they use the stream and why did they choose to settle right there? What covers notions like drains, gutter, and stepping stones? This will be illuminated at Belgbanken.

Vejle has, however, no backyards by the streams. We can visit those other places in the city, both the old and the new backyards.

Come along on a guided tour and experience the city from a new angle.