Guide on Lyø, Anne


Guide on Lyø, Anne
  • Year of birth 1983
  • Name Anne
  • Language
  • I am interested in History, nature, islands, people, politics.
  • Educational background Journalist.
  • 1st hour 1.600 DKK
  • For the 2nd hour and following hours, per hour 500 DKK
  • Booking minimum hours 1

About me

I was born and raised on Lyø, and therefore I know pretty much everything about our little island. 

I am a journalist and I have been working with communication for almost 20 years. 

I love showing guests around on our beautiful little island. I think it's one of the prettiest places in Denmark.

Lyø has an exiting history that I will tell you all about - for example how the king of Denmark was captured on Lyø! And I will also tell you how our little community with only 80 inhabitants works today.

We can do short walks through the cosy village - or we can do longer hikes in the beautiful landscape. 

We can also bike around.

Average response time
Calculated over the past 2 months
Usually within 1 day