In the Footsteps of the Cohr Family and the History of Silver in Fredericia

Silverware from Cohrs factory. Photo: Mathias
  • Price for the tour 1.200 to 1.900 DKK(depending on guide/number)
  • Maximum 20 participants
  • Duration 2 hours
  • Distance 2 Km.
  • Type City walk
  • Meeting point Jernbanegade 2, 7000 Fredericia
  • Tour ends Prinsessegade 62, 7000 Fredericia
  • Language
  • Takes place in this country Denmark

In the Footsteps of the Cohr Family and the History of Silver in Fredericia

If you take a walk through one of the many Danish flee markets, you'll probably stumble upon a lot of silverware from Cohr's factory in Fredericia. They enjoyed enormous success until the end of the 1980's, where they were forced to close. But up until then they had been one of the most prominent factories in Fredericia.

Join me on a guided tour through the history of silverware in Fredericia, where we'll go through the general history of silverware as a product and move on to a walk through the Cohr's Silverware Factory and the family behind it.