Vejle - a Thousand Years of History From the Middle Ages till Today

Vejle City Hall. Photo: Masz
  • Price for the tour 1.200 to 1.900 DKK(depending on guide/number)
  • Maximum 30 participants
  • Duration 2 hours
  • Distance 2 Km.
  • Type City walk
  • Meeting point Banegårdspladsen ved turistkontoret
  • Tour ends Banegårdspladsen ved turistkontoret
  • Language
  • Takes place in this country Denmark

Vejle - a Thousand Years of History From the Middle Ages till Today

A guided walk through the old inner city of Vejle will give you a unique experience of the town's history from the first settlements in the early middle ages via a golden era and a blooming commercial life due to industrial gain in the 18th and 19th century and bringing you up to date with new and exciting architecture and a modern city centre.

In the centre of Vejle we will pass the old marketplace where the dominant building is the church Sct. Nicolai. Niccolaus is the saint for the seafarers. The church is the oldest in Vejle and hides secrets especially connected to the northern wall.

Through Foldegade, which in the old days was a small narrow street, where the cattle were fenced in, we walk down to Søndertorv one of the gates for entrance in the old days. I'll talk about the stream passing through Vejle, a stream which is a cornerstone in the history.

We will walk towards the town centre and we will see where trade was done by the big groceries and thereafter continue to the square in front of the old town hall, which was in old times a monastery.

Continuing our walk I shall explain about Orla Lehmann who's name is related to one of the small streets and we will see the sculptures created by Pontus Kjermann. You will hear about the great fire that almost destroyed Vejle.

Walking on we will meet the stream which now again runs through the city center, and through the old streets we will slowly turn back to where we started.

This tour can be prolonged with a walk down to the old railway station, the harbour and more.