Guide on Zealand, Helle


Guide Helle climbing tree tops at Ledreborg Palace
  • Name Helle
  • Language
  • I am interested in Travelling, meeting new people, yoga, swimming, cycling, sewing, taking photographs, guieded tours, visit museums
  • Educational background Læser til Turistfører på RUC, forventet slut 2023
  • 1st hour 850 DKK
  • For the 2nd hour and following hours, per hour 650 DKK
  • Booking minimum hours 1

About me

Loves to tell a good story, share good experiences - and get a good laugh.

I have always been a guide, without thinking that it would become my way of life. I have had pen pals in all seven continents, when they visited me, they were shown around Denmark while I showed and told stories.

I have worked as an office assistant in a municipality, so I know about the welfare state, democracy, education, the health system and everyday life too high and low.

Loves reading history, stories and listening to podcast about famous deceased people. Am proud of my country and our royals.

I lam looking forward to welcoming you on foot, in water, by bicycle or on horseback.

Average response time
Calculated during the past 2 months
Usually within 1 day

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